Antonella Quacchia

Italy (*1957)

“I feel like a sculptor taking the shape of a statue out of a block of marble."

Explore the evolving value of Antonella Quacchia's artworks, using the painting 'Looking in the same direction' as an illustrative example, with dimensions of 80x80cm

Value increase: 0%

Joined: June 2023

Artwork Carusell

by Antonella Quacchia

  • Antonella Quacchia is an Italian artist whose creative process is deeply rooted in the exploration of emotions and the subconscious. Her artistic approach often lacks a specific intention, but is driven by a state of feeling that may be associated with a memory or event.

    Quacchia's artistic process involves letting go of the flow of emotions that permeate her, which leads her to create spontaneous and organic works of art. However, when she creates works for specific themes or exhibitions, she approaches the process with a mental exploration of the subject from different perspectives. This allows her to make sketches that guide her in the painting process, which is more deliberate and controlled.

    The artist describes a moment in her creative process when she feels she has entered another dimension, a place where time and space lose their meaning and she finds access to a form of pure creativity. Quacchia says she can linger for hours in this state, which resembles a state of pure grace. In this moment, unintentional, unexpected elements emerge, sometimes reminiscent of reality, such as faces, symbols, animals or objects.

  • “Painting is an act of transformation that allows reality and fantasy to merge and create a space where emotions and symbols can flow freely. I try to create a link between feelings and observation. Elements that are considered familiar are transformed and new forms, beyond the formal language, emerge.

    From figurative art to intuitive abstraction, my works present a fictional view of the natural world, seducing the viewer into perception and emotion. I draw inspiration from everything that surrounds me: Colors, movement, people, food, landscapes and memories. Color remains a constant and the highest form of expression. Its vibrant energy allows me to escape the rigidity of forms and and composition to find total freedom of expression.”

Artist information

Participated Exhibtions

  • - 09 - 15 August 2022, Palazzo Pisani-Revedin, Campo Manin, Venezia, IT (side event of Venice's 59th Biennale)

    - 9th August 2022 Opening and Presentation by Art Critic Marta Lock

    - 25 - 27 March 2022, PantoART Galerie, Wien, AT

    - 15 - 19 March 2022, WienARTig Gallery, Wien, AT

  • - "STARKE FRAUEN", 04.08.2022 - 03.09.2022, SUD Gallery, Wien, AT

    - "HIDDEN TREASURES", 04.07.2022 - 03.08.2022, MONAT Gallery, Madrid, ES

    - "Wall exhibition", 01.07.2022 - 31.07.2022, WienARTig Gallery, Wien, AT

    - "Wall exhibition", 01.06.2022 - 30.06.2022, WienARTig Gallery, Wien, AT

    -„verliebt, verlobt, verheiratet", 13 .- 23.05.2022, PantoART Galerie, Wien, AT

    -"Wall exhibition", 01.05.2022 - 15.05.2022, WienARTig Gallery, Wien, AT

    -" L'ARTE TUTELA LA NATURA E L'UMANITÀ", 17 - 23.05.2022, Galleria Milanese, Brera, Milano, IT

    -"WOMAN ESSENCE", 21 - 24.04.2022, 24b Gallery, 1er Paris, FR

    -"Zeichen un Symbole", 08 - 18.04.2022, PantoART Galerie, Wien, A

    -"Le diversità del contemporaneo", 01 - 30.04.2022, ROSSOCINABRO Gallery, Rome, IT

    -"Geometrie", 28.03.2022 - 08.04.2022, Public Artists Gallery, Wien, AT

    -"HOPE", on-line exibition "Capital Culture House", Madrid, ES in ROOM IT

    -"Wall exhibition", 01.03.2022 - 31.03.2022, WienARTig Gallery, Wien, AT

    -"CF... NA UND? Leben dein Leben", 25.02.2022 - 27.02.2022, PantoART Galerie, Wien

    -"Cultural differences", 23.02.2022 - 23.03.2022, ROSSOCINABRO Gallery, Rome, IT

    -"Wall exhibition", 01.02.2022 - 28.02.2022, WienARTig Gallery, Wien, AT

    -"Licht und Schatten", 11.02.2022 - 18.02.2022, PantoART Galerie, Wien, AT

    -"Be inspired by the Multiplicity", 18.01.2022 - 11.02.2022, ROSSOCINABRO Gallery, Rome, IT

    -"AMARS III", 18.01.2022 - 01.02.2022, ARS ARTSPACE , Milano, IT

    -"Die Uhr tickt", 14 - 21.01.2022, PantoART Galerie, Wien, AT

    -"Wall exhibition", 01.01.2022 - 31.01.2022, WienARTig Gallery, Wien, AT

    -"Galleryone962 - December Art Prize", 27.12.2021 - 20.01.2022, online exhibition at room 3

    -"FUTURE" - AMACI, 06.12.2021 - 31.12.2021, ROSSOCINABRO Gallery, Roma, IT

    -"Giornata del Contemporaneo - AMACI", 11.12.2021, ROSSOCINABRO Gallery, Roma, IT

    -"All You Need Is Art" 07.12.2021 - 07.01.2022, ARS ARTSPACE MIlano, IT on-line exhibition

    -Wall exhibition 30.11.2021 - 31.12.2021, WienARTig Gallery, Wien, AT

    -"Drei Wünsche" 26.11.2021 - 3.12.2021, PantoART Galerie, Wien, AT

    -"Are you ready?" 21.10.2021 - 05.11.2021, Palazzo Ducale, Genova, IT

    -"Contemporary Venice 2021" THE SECRET GARDEN 15.10.2021 - 5.11.2021, Misericordia Archives, Venezia, IT

    -"1000 Wörte" 17 - 24.10.2021, PantoART Galerie, Wien, AT

    -"FUTURO" 10 - 24.06.2021, Spazio Arte TOLOMEO, MIlano, IT

    -"Nur ein Sommernachtstraum" 11 - 18.06.2021, PantoART Galerie, Wien, AT

    -"Mit Schweiß und Blut - Arbeit ≠ Arbeit" 07 - 14.05.2021, PantoART Galerie, Wien, AT

    -"Die Kunst des Lachens" 09 - 16.04.2021, PantoART Galerie, Wien, AT

    -"Artist collective", ILO, Geneva, CH, June 2019

    -"Artist collective", ILO, Geneva, CH, October 2018

    -"Artist collective", ITU, Geneva, CH, Oct-Dec 2018

    -"Artist collective", ARTQuarium, Geneva, CH, Nov 2017"Artist collective", ITU, Geneva, CH,Oct - Dec 2017

    -"Artist collective", ILO, Geneva, CH, Oct 2017