Vienna as a cultural destination is boring
Founder Maciej Pająk
Vienna as a cultural destination is boring. But not because the arts forbid it, but because we have forgotten how to get excited. There is no jockeying for unpleasant positions. According to the motto: Nothing can shake or surprise me anymore, we practice ironic distance and even arrogance.Where has the passion gone, Vienna? What about the devotion, the belief in the future? Shouldn't we be enthusiastic about the art we see? Critically question it, learn from it and grow from it? Interested in trying, experiencing and creating something new? Taking the risk of being wrong sometimes, but daring to do it? To face reality instead of fearing it?hardly any other city is as colorful as Vienna. It allows us to be ourselves and at the same time connects the most diverse cultures. This opens up many possibilities for cultural exchange, and we believe that the residents are also ready for this. To breathe in a new, fresh wind in terms of art and culture. To merge the old with the new and to encounter contemporary art with all our senses.We admire you, Vienna, and want to be part of your cultural development.Together we are stronger, together we are Arthentico!