Eistanz - Udo Hohenberger
Oil, acrylic & charcoal on canvas, 2012
130 x 150 cm
Description: The two human-like figures, which appear almost entwined in themselves, form the central focus of this work of art and make it possible to immerse oneself immediately in the interplay of color and dynamics. In doing so, the painting creates a tension between the seemingly weightless floating power of the figures and their simultaneous arrest in space.
Oil, acrylic & charcoal on canvas, 2012
130 x 150 cm
Description: The two human-like figures, which appear almost entwined in themselves, form the central focus of this work of art and make it possible to immerse oneself immediately in the interplay of color and dynamics. In doing so, the painting creates a tension between the seemingly weightless floating power of the figures and their simultaneous arrest in space.
Oil, acrylic & charcoal on canvas, 2012
130 x 150 cm
Description: The two human-like figures, which appear almost entwined in themselves, form the central focus of this work of art and make it possible to immerse oneself immediately in the interplay of color and dynamics. In doing so, the painting creates a tension between the seemingly weightless floating power of the figures and their simultaneous arrest in space.
“Für mich basiert die Wirkung des Kunstwerks auf der gelungenen Komposition aus Linien und Farben, die eine unglaublich dynamische Energie vermittelt. Diese Dynamik wird für mich durch die scheinbaren Bewegungen der Figuren in ihrer Positionierung und Haltung verstärkt. Ich finde, dass das Werk eine Aura des Geheimnisvollen und Mystischen ausstrahlt, was wiederum durch den Kontrast zwischen den Farben intensiviert wird.”
- Iris von Arthentico