Never say never - Alina Babenko


Oil on canvas, 2020

100 x 100 cm

Description: The artwork "Never say never" presents itself as an impressive display of rich detail and color that immediately catches the eye. The abstract shapes that permeate the work seem to convey an unmistakable vibrancy. The background idea of the painting is based on the saying "Never say never", which indicates that even things you think are impossible could become part of your reality in the future. This is a work of art that has a strong impact on the viewer through its multiple visual stimuli and intellectual allusions.

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Oil on canvas, 2020

100 x 100 cm

Description: The artwork "Never say never" presents itself as an impressive display of rich detail and color that immediately catches the eye. The abstract shapes that permeate the work seem to convey an unmistakable vibrancy. The background idea of the painting is based on the saying "Never say never", which indicates that even things you think are impossible could become part of your reality in the future. This is a work of art that has a strong impact on the viewer through its multiple visual stimuli and intellectual allusions.

Oil on canvas, 2020

100 x 100 cm

Description: The artwork "Never say never" presents itself as an impressive display of rich detail and color that immediately catches the eye. The abstract shapes that permeate the work seem to convey an unmistakable vibrancy. The background idea of the painting is based on the saying "Never say never", which indicates that even things you think are impossible could become part of your reality in the future. This is a work of art that has a strong impact on the viewer through its multiple visual stimuli and intellectual allusions.

„Besonders spannend in diesem Werk ist die Verwendung von Violett, einer Farbe, die die Künstlerin normalerweise nicht in ihren Werken einsetzt. Alina selbst gefällt das Werk rein optisch deswegen gar nicht, jedoch finde ich es unglaublich spannend. Besonders die grünen Farbakzente, die aus dem Lila hervorstechen, erzeugen eine unglaublich fesselnde Wirkung.“

-         Iris von Arthentico

Phoenix - Alina Babenko
Faults of generation - Alina Babenko
Flight - Alina Babenko